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GUP Demir Kapija

Hectares: 159.54

Decision number: 07-89/4

Date of adoption of the Council: 18.06.1999.

Planning period: 10 years

Developer of the plan: ZUM

GUP for economic complex Chuka

Hectares: 9.24

Decision number: 07-151/4

Date of adoption of the Council: 24.12.2002.

Planning period: 10 years

Developer of the plan: IN - PUMA


​Amendment to the GUP, Popova Kula economic zone

Hectares: 7.90

Decision number: 07-140/2

Date of adoption of the Council: 22.10.2003.

Planning period: 10 years

Developer of the plan: IN - PUMA

Amended and supplemented GUP Demir Kapija

Hectares: 16.50

Decision number: 07-167/9

Date of adoption of the Council: 14.03.2007.

Planning period: 10 years

Developer of the plan: DPTU DCI

​GUP Demir Kapija (in progress)

Hectares: 207.07

Decision number: /

Date of adoption of the Council: /

Planning period: 10 years

Plan developer: APP



UPVNM - Doshnica, fish hatchery

Hectares: 1.40

Decision number: 07-421/2

Date of adoption of the Council: 31.05.2011.

Planning period: 10 years

Developer of the plan: DPTU DCI

UPVNM - sport and recreation Lagot i Kurijte Demir Kapija

Hectares: 14.15

Decision number: 08-695/4

Date of adoption of the Council: 09.09.2015.

Planning period: 10 years

Plan maker: Niemeyer

UPVNM - for Popova Kula Demir Kapija industrial zone

Hectares: 20.61

Decision number: 08-719/3

Date of adoption of the Council: 18.09.2015.

Planning period: 10 years

Plan maker: Niemeyer

Urban plan outside the settlement for the construction of E2 - Communal infrastructure - Photovoltaic power plants of KP 21/1, KP 21/2, KP 230/2, KP 230/1 and KP 1208, KO Bistrenci, Municipality of Demir Kapija

Hectares: 10.81

Decision number: 08-901/4

Date of adoption of the Council: 30.11.2022.

Planning period: 10 years

Developer of the plan: IN - PUMA

​Urban plan outside the settlement for the construction of E2 - Communal superstructure - Photovoltaic power plants of KP 256 and part of KO 21/1, KO Bistrenci, Municipality of Demir Kapija

Hectares: 8.07

Decision number: 08-817/6

Date of adoption of the Council: 31.10.2022

Planning period: 10 years

Developer of the plan: IN - PUMA

​Urban plan outside the settlement for the construction of E2 - Communal superstructure - Photovoltaic power plants of KP 766, part of KP 771 and part of KP 850/1, CO Przhdevo, Municipality of Demir Kapija

Hectares: 6.71

Decision number: 08-817/7

Date of adoption of the Council: 31.10.2022

Planning period: 10 years

Developer of the plan: IN - PUMA


​DUP "Demir Kapija"

Hectares: 146.41

Decision number: /

Date of adoption of the Council: 1983.

Planning period: 5 years

Developer of the plan: ZUM

DUP Housing Zone "Igralishte"

Hectares: 6.48

Decision number: 07-174/7

Date of adoption of the Council: 27.12.2000.

Planning period: 5 years

Developer of the plan: DPTU DCI

​DUP Housing Zone "Cerot"

Hectares: 2.40

Decision number: 07-174/6

Date of adoption of the Council: 27.12.2000.

Planning period: 5 years

Developer of the plan: DPTU DCI

DUP Economy Zone "Popova Kula"

Hectares: 15.93

Decision number: 07-174/4

Date of adoption of the Council: 27.12.2000.

Planning period: 5 years

Developer of the plan: DPTU DCI

DUP UB 5 Demir Kapija

Hectares: 9.00

Decision number: 08-416/1

Date of adoption of the Council: 14.08.2007.

Planning period: 5 years

Developer of the plan: DPTU DCI

DUP UB 12 Demir Kapija

Hectares: 9.00

Decision number: 08-416/1

Date of adoption of the Council: 14.08.2007.

Planning period: 5 years

Developer of the plan: DPTU DCI

DUP "Popova Kula"

Hectares: 17.07

Decision number: 07-293/11

Date of adoption of the Council: 31.03.2011.

Planning period: 5 years

Developer of the plan: DPTU DCI

DUP "Popova Kula" - amendment

Hectares: 18.90

Decision number: 07-375/12

Date of adoption of the Council: 31.05.2011.

Planning period: 5 years

Developer of the plan: DPTU DCI

DUP for the planning coverage of the industrial zone Popova Kula - Demir Kapija

Hectares: 16.09

Decision number: 07-781/3

Date of adoption of the Council: 01.11.2011.

Planning period: 5 years

Developer of the plan: DPTU DCI

DUP Bistrenci

Hectares: 36.30

Decision number: 01-1031/1

Date of adoption of the Council: 31.10.1985.

Planning period: 5 years

Developer of the plan: ZUM

DUP for agricultural economy

Hectares: 22.16

Decision number: 08-452/2

Date of adoption of the Council: 01.07.2017.

Planning period: 5 years

Plan maker: NIMAER

​DUP for Wine Cellar "GAMA Winery"

Hectares: 4.68

Decision number: 08-375/7

Date of adoption of the Council: 23.04.2019.

Planning period: 5 years

Plan maker: Studio Atrium

Modification of a part of DUP PLAYGROUND Demir Kapija (in progress)

Hectares: /

Decision number: /

Date of adoption of the Council: /

Planning period: 5 years

Designer of the plan: IVANOV


Modification of part of DUP UB 12 Demir Kapija (in progress)

Hectares: /

Decision number: /

Date of adoption of the Council: /

Planning period: 5 years

Developer of the plan: DPTU DCI


​Amendment of part of DUP UB 12 covering 1 Demir Kapija (in progress)

Hectares: /

Decision number: /

Date of adoption of the Council: /

Planning period: 5 years

Plan maker: NIMAER


​Amendment of part of DUP UB 12 including 2 Demir Kapija (in progress)

Hectares: /

Decision number: /

Date of adoption of the Council: /

Planning period: 5 years

Plan maker: NIMAER



UP for the village of Dren (locality Doshnica)

Hectares: 25.14

Decision number: 07-655/2

Date of adoption of the Council: 20.06.2011.

Planning period: 10 years

Developer of the plan: DPTU DCI

Urban planning documentation for the town of Przhdevo

Hectares: 31.95

Decision number: 07-132/4

Date of adoption of the Council: 21.10.2004.

Planning period: 10 years

Developer of the plan: JPPUP

UP for the village of Klisura

Hectares: 17.02

Decision number: 08-132/5

Date of adoption of the Council: 11.02.2019.

Planning period: 10 years

Plan maker: NIMAER

UP for the village of Koreshnica

Hectares: 39.57

Decision number: 08-132/4

Date of adoption of the Council: 11.02.2019.

Planning period: 10 years

Plan maker: NIMAER

UP for the village of Chiflik

Hectares: 38.60

Decision number: 08-268/4

Date of adoption of the Council: 12.04.2021.

Planning period: 10 years

Plan maker: NIMAER

Amendment of a part of the UP for the village of Dren (locality Doshnica)

(in progress)

Hectares: /

Decision number: /

Date of adoption of the Council: /

Planning period: 10 years




​DUPD for gas station and service center on M1

Hectares: 3,625

Decision number: 16-3696/3

Date of adoption of the Council: 04.10.2011.

Planning period: 10 years

Plan developer: APP

DUPD for the construction of a gas station with ancillary facilities on parts of KP 171-2, KP 171-3, etc. CO Demir Kapija

Hectares: 2.55

Decision number: 67-1322/6 and 67-1322/8

Date of adoption by the Ministry of Transport and Communications: 22.09.2023 and 23.11.2023

Planning period: /

Developer of the plan: IN-PUMA - Institute for Urbanism, Traffic and Ecology


ЛУПД за откупен дистрибутивен центар с. Корешница

Хектари: 3,83

Број на одлука: 08-19/20

Датум на донесување на Совет: 09.12.2010 год.

Плански период: 10 години

Изработувач на планот: ДПТУ ДЦИ

ЛУПД за хотелски комплекс Дрен

Хектари: 10,12

Број на одлука: 09-24/18

Датум на донесување на Совет: 07.03.2012 год.

Плански период: 10 години

Изработувач на планот: НИМАЕР

ЛУПД за КП бр. 287/2, 287/3, 287/4, 287/5, 299/2, 301/2 и 305 во КО Прждево, КП бр. 1255/3 и 1255/4 КО Бистренци и дел од КП бр. 298 КО Прждево и дел од КП бр. 1255/2 во КО Бистренци

Хектари: 28,72

Број на одлука: 09-64/6

Датум на донесување на Совет: 12.03.2014 год.

Плански период: 10 години

Изработувач на планот: НИМАЕР

ЛУПД за КП бр. 706 и др. КО Корешница

Хектари: 8,51

Број на одлука: 09-199

Датум на донесување на Совет: 02.09.2015 год.

Плански период: 10 години

Изработувач на планот: НИМАЕР

LUPD for KP no. 4510 and others. CO Demir Kapija

Hectares: 0.8

Decision number: 10-149/24

Date of adoption of the Council: 07.12.2016.

Planning period: 10 years

Plan maker: NIMAER

​LUPD for KP no. 15 KO Chelevec

Hectares: 2.83

Decision number: 10-55

Date of adoption of the Council: 20.12.2016.

Planning period: 10 years

Developer of the plan: CHAKAR PARTNERS

ЛУПД за КП бр. 15 и др. КО Челевец

Хектари: 0,87

Број на одлука: 10-54

Датум на донесување на Совет: 20.12.2016 год.

Плански период: 10 години

Изработувач на планот: ЧАКАР ПАРТНЕРС

LUPD for buildings with purpose G2 - light and non-polluting industry of KP 4451, 4452, 4453, 4454 and 4455 KO Demir Kapija

Hectares: 3.94

Decision number: UP I 10-233

Date of adoption of the Council: 19.03.2021.

Planning period: 10 years

Designer of the plan: TAIFA ARCHITECTS

ЛУПД за градби со намена Г2 - лесна и незагадувачка индустрија на КП 4494 и 4495 КО Демир Капија

Хектари: 4,498

Број на одлука: УП I 10-234

Датум на донесување на Совет: 12.03.2021 год.

Плански период: 10 години

Изработувач на планот: ТАЈФА АРХИТЕКТИ

ЛУПД за хотелски комплекс на КП 492/1, 792/2, 793 и 794 КО Демир Капија

Хектари: 0,64

Број на одлука: УП I 10-135

Датум на донесување на Совет: 18.01.2017 год.

Плански период: 10 години

Изработувач на планот: ДПГИ ВЕКТОР90


​AUP for GP 1.1 according to LUPD for the construction of a purchased distribution center in KO Koreshnica

Hectares: 1.9938

Decision number: 09-827/4

Date of adoption of the Council: 06.11.2014.

Planning period: /

Plan maker: NIMAER

AUP for GP 1.2 according to LUPD for the construction of a purchased distribution center in KO Koreshnica

Hectares: 1.7

Decision number: 09-828/4

Date of adoption of the Council: 06.11.2014.

Planning period: /

Plan maker: NIMAER

AUP for GP 1.1 according to LUPD for KO Bistrenci and KO Przhdevo

Hectares: 9.3

Decision number: 09-664/3

Date of adoption of the Council: 03.09.2014.

Planning period: /

Plan maker: NIMAER

AUP for GP 1.2 according to LUPD for KO Bistrenci and KO Przhdevo

Hectares: 9.5

Decision number: 09-826/4

Date of adoption of the Council: 06.11.2014.

Planning period: /

Plan maker: NIMAER

AUP for merging GP 1 and GP 2 from DUP Popova Kula - amendment by Demir Kapija

Hectares: 4.5

Decision number: UP I 10-18

Date of adoption of the Council: 24.01.2020

Planning period: /

Developer of the plan: ARCHIKONS JOHN DOOEL

AUP for the establishment of construction plots no. 1.5.1 and 1.5.2 G2, G3, G4 from UPVNM for industrial zone "Popova Kula" CO Demir Kapija

Hectares: 4.7

Decision number: UP I 10-57

Date of adoption of the Council: 04.08.2017.

Planning period: /

Designer of the plan: STUDIO ATRIUM


General act for the village Dren

Hectares: /

Decision number: 07-77/8

Date of adoption of the Council: 30.04.2001.

Planning period: /

Developer of the plan: DPTU DCI


Urban project outside the scope of the urban plan with purpose G2.2 - light pharmaceutical industry and food production, confectionery, soft drinks, water, processing of garden products and fruits, tobacco and others on KP 151, KP 152, KP 153, KP 154, KP 155, KP 156 KO Koreshnica, Municipality of Demir Kapija

Hectares: 1.9

Decision number: UP I 10-25

Date of adoption of the Council: 15.04.2022.

Planning period: /

Developer of the plan: RESURS LDTI DOOEL


Urban project outside the scope of the urban plan with purpose E 1.13 - Photovoltaic power plants, KP no. 1148/1 KO Bistrenci, Municipality Demir Kapija

Hectares: 1.2

Decision number: UP I 10-126

Date of adoption of the Council: 20.10.2021.

Planning period: /

Plan maker: NIMAER

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