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The Municipality of Demir Kapija is an attractive area for investments with built infrastructure, ecologically clean environment, developed tourism and agriculture, which uses its natural potentials, with an increasing number of businesses through partnership with the private sector.

Demir Kapija is an attractive destination for work and living, with complete physical infrastructure, protected natural environment, active alternative and eco-tourism as well as promotion of modern agriculture.


Demir Kapija, as a municipality with a large number of tourist attractions, with potentials for the development of agriculture and eco-tourism, as a natural and ecologically clean environment, is committed to ensuring faster and balanced socioeconomic development and improving the quality of life of the local population.​​

The Municipality of Demir Kapija provides efficient and effective services for citizens, the private sector and civic organizations, while promoting a clean environment, sustainable energy sources, alternative and eco-tourism and modern agriculture, through the use of natural and human resources.


Based on Article 7 of the Law on Local Self-Government ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" No. 52/95) and Article 119 of the Statute of the Municipality of Demir Kapija ("Official Gazette of the Municipality of Demir Kapija" No. 2/97), The Council of the Municipality of Demir Kapija at the session held on 22.12.1998 passed a Decision on establishing the Coat of arms and Flag of the Municipality of Demir Kapija.

Coat of arms of the Municipality of Demir Kapija

Coat of arms of Demir Kapija Municipality

The Coat of arms of the Municipality of Demir Kapija is in the form of a shield. At the base of the coat of arms, in the middle, the Demir Kapija Gorge, the Vardar river, part of the railway, part of the highway and the old (parallel) road with the tunnels are stylized. The upper part of the back is dominated by a sun with eight rays. Along the sides of the back in the lower half are symmetrically placed one vine leaf with a cluster. On the lower part of the back on a red background is written in black letters - Demir Kapija.

The contours of the back are black, as are the tunnels, the railway, the clusters are black. The rocks are gray, the road is brown, the sky and the river are blue, the vine leaves are green, and the sun and its rays are yellow.

Flag of the Municipality of Demir Kapija

Flag of Demir Kapija Municipality

The Flag of the Municipality of Demir Kapija is yellow. In the central part of the flag on the right side is the coat of arms of the Municipality of Demir Kapija. The ratio of the length and width of the flag is 1:2.


  • Urban (urban and rural) planning

- Issuance of approval for the construction of facilities of local importance established by law; arrangement of the space and arrangement of the construction land.

  • Environmental Protection

- Measures for protection and prevention of water, air, land pollution; nature protection; noise protection and non-ionizing radiation.

  • Local economic development

- Planning of local economic development; determination of development and structural priorities; management of local economic policy; supporting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurship at the local level and in that context, participating in the establishment and development of the local network of institutions and agencies and promoting partnership.

  • Communal activities

- Drinking water supply; delivery of technological water; drainage and purification of waste water; removal and treatment of storm water by public lighting; maintenance of public cleanliness; collection, transportation and handling of communal solid and technological waste; arrangement and organization of public local passenger transportation; supply of natural gas and thermal energy and others.

  • Culture

- Institutional and financial support of cultural institutions and projects; nurturing folklore, customs, old crafts and similar cultural values; organizing cultural events; encouraging various specific forms of creativity.​

  • Sport and Recreation

- Development of mass sports and recreational activities; organization of sports events and manifestations; maintenance and construction of sports facilities; support of sports unions.​

  • Social protection and protection of children

- Kindergartens and homes for the elderly (ownership, financing, investments and maintenance); implementation of social care for the disabled; orphans and parental care; children with educational and social problems; children with special needs; children from single-parent families; street children; persons exposed to social risk; persons affected by drug and alcohol abuse.

  • Education

- Establishment, financing and administration of primary and secondary schools, in cooperation with the central government, in accordance with the Law; organization of transportation and food for students and their accommodation in student dormitories.​​

  • Health protection

- Management of the network of public health organizations and primary health care facilities that should include local government representation in all boards of all publicly owned health organizations; health education; health promotion; preventive activities; protection of workers' health and safety at work; environmental health surveillance; infectious disease surveillance; assistance to patients with special needs (for example, mental health, child abuse, etc.) and other diseases that will be determined by law.​

  • Protection and rescue of citizens

- Carrying out preparations and undertaking measures for the protection and rescue of citizens and material assets from military intelligence, natural disasters and other accidents and from the consequences caused by them.

  • Fire protection

- Fire protection carried out by territorial fire fighting units.

  • Supervision over the performance of the tasks under its authority and other tasks determined by law





Location in North Macedonia



Location in Europe


Map of the Municipality of Demir Kapija


The municipality of Demir Kapija is located in the southern part of the Republic of North Macedonia, i.e. the southeastern part of the Tikvesh Valley, in an extremely important geographical - strategic position. In a subordinate sense, the term Tikvešia refers to the plains on both sides of the Vardar River, known as Povardarie, starting a little northwest from the mouth of Bregalnica in Vardar in the southeast to the mouth of Bošavica, then the Crna Reka valley from the end and from the Tikvesh gorge to the mouth in the Vardar River, the undulating terrains and river valleys located between the rivers Crna and Bosava, as well as the low slopes of the mountains that enclose the valley from neighboring areas.

The city is located at 115 meters above sea level and is 19 km south of Negotino, 29 km southeast of Kavadarci, 35 km northwest of Valandovo, 45 km north of Gevgelija and 60 km southeast of Veles. The municipality of Demir Kapija borders the neighboring municipalities: Negotino, Kavadarci, Gevgelija, Valandovo and Konche.


Demir Kapija istorija 1
Demir Kapija History 2

The past of Demir Kapija is connected with the famous picturesque Demir Kapija Gorge, a place from which many military campaigns started and ended, a place that was at different times the border of several rulers and a place that was the seat of special feudal lords who occupied the territory and ruled her.

First of all, a settlement that existed around the fortress is mentioned, under the name of the old Roman city of Stene. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the fortress became the place of existence of another city which was called the medieval Prosek. There is more written information about this city, especially those related to the names of the feudal lords Dobromir Hrs and Dobromir Strez. With the arrival of the Ottomans, the settlement in the fortress stopped living, the local population was displaced to a new place a few kilometers to the north and was called Banja, after the hot water baths that have existed in this area since ancient times. After the catastrophic earthquake on March 7 and 8, 1931, the population of the village of Banja was evicted to the area near the Demir Kapija railway station. A new life began here, several commercial and craft facilities were opened, and later a school was opened as well as several commercial facilities.

Most of the past of Demir Kapija is connected with constant wars and traumas experienced by the local population. This city was occupied and conquered by several rulers during very short periods. Because of that, it was not possible for the development of economic life to gain greater proportions, but what was produced was looted by the armies.
During the five centuries of Ottoman rule, very little changed. At that time, Banja, where the population escaped from Prosek lived, was turned into a large feudal estate of various Turkish beys. Along with that, the population was also dependent on the Turkish feudal lords who disposed of their life and freedom. Only after the expulsion of the Turks in 1912-1913. the village got rid of that dependence and started to live a freer life. But that lasted a short time because after a few years a Bulgarian or Serbian occupying power was established.

Demir Kapija History 3

In the First World War, the territory of Demir Kapija was conquered by Bulgarian-German and Serbian-English military forces. The First World War left a devastation in the city. The consequences of it were felt for many years after her. During the Kingdom of Yugoslavia 1919-1941 the economic situation was bad because no one invested in this area.
The then village was razed to the ground during the Valandovo earthquake in 1931.

The entire period of the Second World War in Demir Kapia was full of major military events. Due to the good geostrategic position, a significant number of German and Bulgarian troops were concentrated here. The battles for the settlement became more frequent and especially expanded in 1943 and 1944, which contributed to the importance of Demir Kapia being of vital importance for the withdrawal of German units from Greece, due to which the settlement was turned into a real impregnable fortress. After the withdrawal of the Germans as well as the strong fighting actions of the Macedonians in 1944, Demir Kapija was released.

After the liberation, Demir Kapija recorded a rise, especially during the time when the settlement was the seat of the municipality of the same name. However, after the abolition of the municipality and the conversion of Demir Kapija into an ordinary headquarters of the Local Office, the growth recorded stagnation, which left negative traces in the overall life. In 1996, Demir Kapija regained the status of a municipality, with the election of the first mayor and the first multi-party municipal council, the pulse of life returned to this city despite the extremely difficult economic situation that occurred in 1990. The new municipal leadership returned the development to positive initial positions.


Total population in the Municipality of Demir Kapija, by settlements (according to the 2021 Census):

Tabela 1

Total population in the Municipality of Demir Kapija, households and apartments (according to the 2021 Census):

Table 2

Total population in the Municipality of Demir Kapija, by nationality (according to the 2021 Census):

Table 3

Total population in the Municipality of Demir Kapija, by 5-year age groups and by gender (according to the 2021 Census):

Table 4




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