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Mayor of the Municipality of Demir Kapija


+389 (0)72 222 467 



str. „Marshal Tito“ no. 15B

1442 Demir Kapija

Date of assumption of office:


Political affiliation:

SDSM (Social Democratic Union of Macedonia)

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Mayor Lazar Petrov was born on February 17, 1983. in Negotino.​

Primary education ends at "Dimche A. Gaberot" Demir Kapija, and secondary education in the Secondary School "St. Cyril and Methodius" in Negotino, in a bilingual class in French.
He continues his higher education at the Faculty of Philology at the University "St. Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje and earned the title of Graduated Translator in French and English, and spent two years in France where he trained in the field of hospitality and wine tourism.

From a young age, he has been involved in sports, specifically basketball, and he was also a member of the drama and dance group at the "Mirka Ginova" House of Culture, Demir Kapija.

He started his professional career in 2009 at the "Popova Kula" Winery as a manager of wine tourism.

In Demir Kapija currently holds the position of President of SDSM.
After winning the local elections in 2017, he became the Mayor of the Municipality of Demir Kapija from the ranks of the SDSM and still holds the same position.

Characteristics with which he is distinguished: a man who is completely dedicated to the city and his fellow citizens, a great humanist, a visionary, an excellent manager, persistent and determined in the realization of the set goals, but above all a sincere friend.


  • Represents and represents the municipality;

  • Controls the legality of the Council's regulations;

  • It publishes the regulations of the Council in the official gazette of the municipality;

  • It ensures the execution of the decisions of the Council;

  • It ensures the execution of the works that are delegated to the municipality by law;

  • Initiates and proposes adoption of regulations under the competence of the Council;

  • Proposes the Annual Budget and the Annual Account of the municipality's budget;

  • Executes the budget of the municipality;

  • It elects directors of the public services established by the municipality, based on a public competition;

  • It regularly informs the Council about the performance of its competences in accordance with the Statute;

  • Decides in administrative matters for rights, obligations and interests of legal and natural persons, in accordance with the law;

  • Adopts the Rulebook for the systematization of the jobs of the municipal administration;

  • Manages the municipal administration;

  • Decides on the employment, rights, duties and responsibilities of employees in the municipal administration, unless otherwise determined by law;

  • It ensures the correct and legal use, maintenance and protection of the property of the municipality, in accordance with the law and the Statute and

  • Performs other tasks established by law and the Statute.


​If the Mayor considers that the Council's regulation is not in accordance with the Constitution and the laws, he is obliged within seven days from the day of delivery with a decision to stop its publication, with which he will explain the reasons for the stop.
The Council is obliged, within 15 days from the day of publication of the decision, to review the decision and decide on it. If the Council confirms the regulation, the Mayor is obliged to publish it and at the same time submit an initiative to start a procedure for evaluating the constitutionality and legality of the contested regulation before the Constitutional Court of the Republic of North Macedonia.


About the initiative, the Mayor is obliged to inform the ministry responsible for performing the works related to the local self-government.



The newly elected mayor takes over the duties of the previous mayor within seven days from the day of election. The mayor performs his function professionally. During the performance of the office, the mayor may not perform any other professional activity.

The mayor cannot be called to criminal responsibility or detained for expressing an opinion in the Council.
The mayor determines which of the members of the Council will replace him in cases of incapacity or absence, in accordance with the procedure established by the Statute.

​The mayor cannot be appointed as a member of the supervisory, management and control bodies of commercial companies and public services, nor can he participate in the decision-making process on issues in which he or his spouse, children or second-degree relative line has a financial or other personal interest.




The Mayor's mandate ends by operation of law:

- If he resigns;
- In case of death;
- If he has been sentenced by a final verdict for a criminal offense to a prison term of more than six months;
- If he is deprived of business capacity by a final decision;

- If there is a case of incompatibility to perform the function in accordance with the Law on Local Elections;
- In case of an unjustified absence longer than six months and if he ceases to be a resident of the municipality.


The Council decides on the justification of the absence, with a two-thirds majority of the total number of members of the Council. The member of the Council who replaces the Mayor, within 15 days from the day of the occurrence of one of the cases above, is obliged to notify the ministry responsible for matters related to local self-government.

The Ministry responsible for performing the works related to local self-government, within 15 days from the day of receipt of the notification, notifies the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, which, within one month from the day of receipt of the notification, ascertains that one of the the above-mentioned cases and at the same time initiates a procedure for announcing new elections for mayor, in accordance with the law.

The Council, within 30 days of the announcement of the Government's decision, will elect one of the members of the Council who will perform the duty of the mayor for the period until the election of a new mayor, in the same way as the president of the Council is elected. The position of a member of the Council rests on the member of the Council for the time of performing the duty of the Mayor. Elections will not be held if there are less than six months until the new election period.


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